The Story Behind 30 Days of Faith

The idea behind 30 Days of Faith initially came from a sermon that I, William Lewis, was attempting to write on cultivating faith. I had gotten the idea that I needed to preach on the importance of growing faith and so I put a message together and, honestly, thought it was pretty good. When I tried to record that message, however, it was simply dry. Any preacher can probably tell you that they have had this happen to them at some point - no matter how much passion they try to put into a message it simply doesn’t have the Spirit of God in it. I attempted to record the message three times before I finally gave up and decided I would pray on it before trying again.

I prayed about the message that evening and then the following day as I was driving home from Church I felt that God had spoken to me. I felt that He told me that the message was not meant for believers but for those who were like I was for so long - skeptics and atheist.

For 16 years I was an atheist and actually was a fairly avid proponent of the idea that the Church should be eliminated from society. I won’t go into my full testimony here, but if you have time I would urge you to listen to it here. The important part of it for this story, however, is that near the beginning of 2017 I began to doubt my views on faith and started to have some pretty serious questions about what I might be missing. Thought I had been raised in the Church and had some idea of where I could find answers I was, frankly, too stubborn to seek them out. Eventually, however, I was invited to a small group in which God reached me in a strong way. Even then, however, I was not ready to make a decision for Christ. I had too many questions and doubts even after my experience that night.

I did, however, gain enough faith to decide to start reading the Bible and to try praying (even though at the time I felt rather foolish doing it). What happened over the course of the next three weeks was an expansion of my faith that culminated in me opening myself up to hear from God and give my life to Christ.

Two years later as I drove home from church that night God gave me the idea to present the 30 Days of Faith challenge and the associated devotional as a no pressure way for those who might be in the same place I was to begin to explore their faith and as I told my brother I was doing “give this Christian thing a chance.”

- William Lewis